Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day - Commemorating Those We Lost and Appreciating Those We Have

Memorial Day affects us all differently. Whether we have family or friends lost in the military, or just feel appreciative to those who gave their lives for our freedoms, it is a time of reflection and thanks. It also feels like a late spring Thanksgiving that we celebrate to remember the people who believed so much in our country, that they either volunteered or accepted being drafted, and, in excahnge, gave their lives.

For the families of soldiers we recently lost, the pain must be unbearable. Their sons and daughters volunteered and paid the ultimate price. I salute organizations like the Gold Star Mothers who, in their own pain, support fellow parents as they receive the dreaded and horrible news. My thoughts often stray to these parents and I'm afraid to imagine their pain.

Memorial Day is also a teachable moment. I remind my sons that they are able to continue their lives uninterrrupted due to our soldiers. Both have enjoyed their college years, courtesy of our young men and women who volunteered, way too many who have lost their lives. As young men between the ages of 18-26, they are registered for the draft. Neither one, so far, has even given a throught to the idea of receiving a draft notice in the mail. Thank you again to our volunteers.

As a parent this has become extremely personal. "Other people's children" have given their lives so my sons can continue to live free and easy lives. "Other people's children" return home facing challenges with losing limbs, severe pain, PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder), traumatic brain injury, and a host of other issues, while my sons live somewhat carefree.

As citizens of this wonderful country, we have so much to be grateful for on a daily basis. Today I'd like to give a special THANK YOU to the families of those lost and those serving. The families of our soldiers are on the frontlines as well, dealing with the pain of loss, waiting for their loved one's return or helping their loved one return to civilian life. All of you sacrifice so much for non-military families and we appreciate you every day of our lives.

Judy I. Schaffer
Heroes to Heroes Foundation

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