Monday, June 3, 2013

Heroes to Heroes Accepting Applications from Veterans with PTSD for October 2013 Team

Are you or do you know a veteran who served in Iraq or Afghanistan, who is living in the New York Metro Area, and is having trouble with his re-entry into civilian life due to severe PTSD? Do you know a veteran who you fear has given up on life or may be suicidal due to the effects of PTSD? If you know someone in this situation or are concerned for these veterans, please continue to read.

Heroes to Heroes Foundation is accepting applications for our next team that will start our program in October. Each team consists of ten veterans and two coaches who work together to help one another get through life's challenges.

Our program changes lives. One of our participants had totally given up on life after being wounded seriously in Iraq. He shut down which caused his wife to do so as well. They never left their home, stayed away from neighbors and friends, and led an unhappy and solitary life. It was moments before his wife would most likely have left, having given up on any hope for her future if she stayed. Her husband then agreed to be 'talked into' participating in the Heroes to Heroes program by his caseworker. After ten days with a team of supportive veterans, this young man was able to turn both his marriage and his life around. His wife asked us 'who is this guy you sent back?' They are now able to enjoy life together.

The Heroes to Heroes program is powerful and will have a strong impact on participants who are willing to work hard and challenge themselves in a supportive and safe environment. 

The program starts with a ten day experience in Israel. During this time, our veterans travel with their Israeli counterparts on a journey that is focused on four aspects of healing: physical, emotional, social, and spiritual. Participants have the opportunity to participate in physical activity such as riding bicycles, sailing, hiking, team sports, swimming, and plenty of walking. The program is entirely social, giving participants the opportunity to be with other veterans who share their same challenges.

During the trip the team visits Holy sites such as Bethlehem, the Western Wall, Church of the Holy Sepulchure, the Galilee, and all who are of the Christian faith have the opportunity to be Baptized in the River Jordan. All participants have time to explore and reflect on their faith.

The team will take the time to plant trees in memory of those they lost and in honor of those they love. They'll visit the only 9/11 Memorial outside the US that is dedicated to the American victims of that horror. Time is provided daily for the team to come together, express their feelings about their experiences, and plan for their futures.

The program continues in the United States with team meetings and follow up for a minimum of one year. All participants follow up with both their American team and, via Skype and Facetime, with their Israeli partners. 

There is no cost for veterans who participate, aside from passport fees and incidentals. Heroes to Heroes is a totally volunteer organization that exists to help our veterans and slow down the ever growing suicide rate - we're losing more veterans to suicide than we are soldiers on the battlefield.

Heroes to Heroes Foundation's program has proven to be extremely effective. If you would like to recommend a veteran but do not want to approach that person, please contact us. Our goal is to stop suicide in it's tracks. Without the help of friends and family many veterans will continue to be lost. Please forward this information to anyone you believe can help. Thank you!

For information please go to our site at 

Judy I. Schaffer
Founder and President
Heroes to Heroes Foundation